Elementary education in Ghana starts at the age of six and is free at public schools. Parents, however, need to cover other fees for various items like teaching materials or uniforms, to mention but a few. Primary education lasts for 6 years and consists of a 3-year lower primary phase and a 3-year upper primary phase.
- Ages : 6-12 years
- Grades : Grade 1-6
- Duration of study : 6 years
- Primary Languages : English
- Terms : 2 terms
- Admission Term : throughout the year
Curriculum- the curriculum here emphasizes reading and writing, arithmetic, and the development of problem-solving abilities. Pupils are taught subjects including English and the regional indigenous language, social studies, arts mathematics, integrated science, music, dance, handicrafts, and physical education and civics, to mention but a few. Elementary in Ghana education concludes with the completion of grade six. No certification is given at the end of elementary education.
There are public and private elementary schools in Ghana. Below are some of the schools you can find in Ghana that offers elementary education for both locals and international students.
Springforth International School, Accra
This is a first-class multicultural, English medium Christian educational institute in Ghana. The school uses the British National Curriculum, Key Stages 1 and 2, and offers education from crèche, through to grade 6. It offers a curriculum that stimulates children’s academic, personal and social development. The school aims to provide quality international childhood and primary education in a nurturing, motivating, and inspiring learning environment and strives to help children achieve their full potential through the development of their unique academic abilities and Christian morals. Springforth welcomes all children regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religious affiliation, or race.
- Founded: 2006
- Address: Trasacco Valley Road in Adjiringanor- East Legon, Accra, and Ghana.
- Grades: creche, 6th grade.
- Language of instruction: English
- Type: co-educational, non-profit
English is the language of instruction and French is taught as a compulsory foreign language for students in primary school.
Curriculum- the school uses the British National Curriculum, Key Stages 1 and 2. students learn subjects including English, geography, history, science, information and communication technology (ICT), mathematics, music, physical education, and art.
Extra-Curricular activities- the school’s After-School Program runs each term and offers a variety of activities every day of the week. Activities include Karate, Swimming, Football, IT Club, Homework Club, Book Club, Individual Music Lessons, Art Club, Dance Lessons, and Cooking Club, to mention but a few. Students are encouraged to take up at least an activity to encourage their holistic development.
Prospective students- the following are required for students who seek to apply for admission to the school:
- An enrolment application must be filled out for each child
- an application fee must be paid.
- Child’s birth certificate
- Interntaional paasport
- Parents or guardians identification documents
upon acceptance, the following must be paid:
- A non-refundable registration fee
- at least one term's fee, uniform fee, and lunch fee (optional) must be fully paid before the child can begin attending school.
Ghana International School (GIS)
This is an internationally recognized school, providing excellent education in a multicultural setting. The school offers a British curriculum and aims to Offers students opportunities to develop lively, enquiring minds and independent thinking, and to provide a nurturing, secure, clean, and friendly learning environment where students can grow intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically. The school offers education for children aged 3 to 17.
Primary school section
- Address : 2nd Circular Rd, Accra, Ghana
- established : 1955
- Grade : 1-6
- Duration of study : 6 years
- Student population : 1398 (all grades)
- International student representation: 47 Nationalities
- Primary Languages : English
- Terms : 2 terms
- Admission Term throughout the year
Accreditation and membership: New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Council of International Schools, Cambridge International, Association of International Schools in Africa, and more.
The junior school here caters to students from year 3 to year 6 (7 to 11-year-olds). It offers quality teaching and learning that is designed to position students competently and confidently for the dynamic world. The Junior School has a diverse student population and a diverse teaching board as well.
Curriculum- core subjects include English, Mathematics, and Science which follow the UK Cambridge curriculum. subjects including History and Geography follow the English National Curriculum which is combined with some components from Ghana’s education system. In Year 6, students will sit for the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Examinations in English, Mathematics, and Science. The subjects offered in the Junior School in full include Mathematics, English, History, Geography and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), and Subjects such as Science, French, Music, Art, Physical Education and Information Technology which are taught by specialists.
Facilities- primary students here have access to a wide range of state-of-the-art facilities found here. These include an Art Room, Assembly Hall, Basketball Court, Cafeteria, French Room, 2 computer labs equipped with 33 computers in each lab, a Library, Music Room, Music Room, a Health and Wellness Center (Sick Bay), to mention but a few.
Co-Curricular Activities- Co-Curricular Activities Programme plays an integral role in the quest to provide holistic education. There are more than 30 activities and clubs offered here. These include Art Appreciation, Athletics, Badminton, Baseball, Chess, Choir, Community Service, Cookery, Craft, Cricket, Dance club, Drama, Entrepreneur, Environment Club, Fencing, Film appreciation, French, Aerobics, Leadership or Commonwealth, Maths Appreciation, Martial Arts, Model United Nations (MUN), Music, School Band, Pencils of Promise, Photography and Video, Robotics, Rotary, Rugby, Sign Language, Spoken Word, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis (Lawn), Writing club, and the Yearbook club.
Sports- the school is dedicated to the healthy development of students by offering a variety of sports codes that students can take part in. sports disciplines offered Badminton, Basketball, Field Hockey, Handball, Soccer, Swimming, Table Tennis, Track And Field, Volleyball, and Fitness, to mention but a few.
The German International School Accra
This is an international school located in Accra ghana. The school offers education from nursery to the German equivalent of the Ordinary Level School Leaving Certificate as well as the Cambridge International General Certificate of Education. It serves the international community in ghana and also accepts local students.
Primary School sEction
- Address: Ring Road Central, P.O. Box 30526, K.I.A, Accra, Ghana
- Established: 1966
- Language of instruction: German, English
- Type: coeducational
- Terms: 2 semesters
- Admission Term: throughout the year
The primary school here is attended by students from different countries and cultures who are taught in mixed-age groups. Teaching here is in German, although English is also used and taught as a 2nd language. The primary school offers a lower teacher-student ratio, with around 15 students per class, thereby facilitating individualized teaching. various subjects such as science, art, and sports are taught bilingually and enable the pupils to learn together and from one another, linguistically and culturally.
Extracurricular activities- Students also get teaching in the fields of music, arts and crafts subjects, sports, and ICT. Other extracurricular activities include violin, piano, guitar, and drum lessons, taekwondo, dance and movement, football, chess, LEGO Robotics, pottery, and painting, to mention but a few.
Facilities- The school offers well-equipped facilities including a soundproof music room, a modern science laboratory, classrooms, a modern multimedia room, a kitchen and lunch hall, and more.
Application for Admission- parents of prospective students should enclose a copy of the following documents with their registration forms:
- Vaccination certificate
- the last two reports of the child
- Special pedagogical reports, if applicable
- valid passport of the child
- valid passports, IDs, and driver's license of Parents or guardian
- Proof of address (copy of water or electricity bill in the name of the school fees payer or copy of a rental agreement)
- For employees a Letter of Introduction from the employer
- Name and address of the company with Company Registration number, VAT Number (For self-employed parents)