
Student Life in Cote d'Ivoire

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Universities in Cote d'Ivoire have a department that specifically looks at student affairs and student life. This helps students to transition well into the university through a range of activities and programs.

The student life department provides co-curricular learning opportunities that assist students to acquire and apply life skills. It enhances the experience of the students through programs and services that focus on student transition, wellness, learning, success, leadership, and engagement with other students or society.  

There are several activities or on-campus and off-campus activities that students can take part in.

Students Organisations – these are organizations formed by students with common passion and interests. It enables students to meet other students and pursue a similar passion. These provide a centered approach that helps students build relationships, promote social change, and develop their identities.

Student Spiritual Groups

Students of all faiths can practice their religions without discriminations. There are several religious groups and clubs on campus which meet and conduct their services at appointed times. This teaches freedom of worship and students feel comfortable and can adapt faster.

Site seeing- there are plenty of places to see in cote d'Ivoire. There are world heritage sites and sanctuaries in core d'Ivoire worth seeing including Banco National Park, Tai National Park, Komoé National Park, and Mount Nimba.

Camping- Camping, in general, is a great group activity for students. It enables them to get to know each other, know places, and to learn about the country as a whole. Local and international students can enjoy the great outdoors together.

Student Media- on-campus media helps students to stay abreast of all activities and information happening within, and off-campus.

Social Clubs/ fraternities- on-campus social clubs are good for students as they promote engagement, cohesion, and unity among students.



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