
Comoros Primary School Structure

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Primary education in Comoros lasts for six years from the ages of 6 to 12 years. There is the automatic progression from one grade to the other up to the 6th grade. In the 6th grade, students will sit for a primary school-leaving examination, whose successful completion will allow the student to enrol in lower secondary education.

The results will also determine the track of education in which the student will be placed. Primary education is generally free and compulsory, though there is little enforcement of the attendance of children.

Primary education

  • Ages                            : 6-12 years
  • Grades                         : Grade 1-6
  • Duration of study       : 6 years
  • Primary Languages     : French and Arabic
  • Terms                          : 2 terms
  • Admission Term          : throughout the year

Curriculum- the primary school curriculum emphasizes a variety of subjects in areas including Arabic, English, French, Islamic studies, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, to mention but a few. Primary education prepares students for the 6th-grade primary leaving examination which will be used to assess their performance and also to determine the track they will be placed into in secondary school, either the general track or the technical-vocational track.

Parents of prospective students seeking to enrol in Comoran schools usually opt for international schools as they are better resourced and well-equipped and with highly trained staff. These offer education to both locals and expatriates. When choosing schools, parents usually consider affordability, quality of teaching, the facilities, security and sometimes the class sizes and the requirements.

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