
Cape Verde Primary School Structure

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Primary education in Cape Verde is mandatory and free for children between the ages of 6 and 14 years. There are 6 years of primary education in Cape Verde, from grade 1 to grade 6. Primary school aims to build from the concepts that have been learned at pre-school. The student starts to learn broader concepts and start constructing meaning in a variety of areas.

Primary education

  • Ages                            : 6-12 years
  • Grades                         : Grade 1-6
  • Duration of study       : 6 years
  • Primary Languages     : French
  • Terms                          : 2 terms
  • Admission Term          : throughout the year

Curriculum- the primary school curriculum emphasizes a variety of subjects and builds up on a number of early learning concepts. Students start learning how to read and write, how to create words and how to construct meaningful sentences, how to identify words and numbers, how t identify shapes, and how to make basic calculations in the first grades.  As they progress, students start to learn in a number of areas including mathematics, languages, science, physical education, social studies, English, and some art to encourage creativity.

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