
Student Life in Burundi

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(Bachelor's, Master's & PhD)

Institutions here like everywhere around the world, here are committed to making student life as interesting as possible. With various activities ranging from on-campus to off-campus initiatives students never run short of what to do at Burundian institutions.

When you have taken your flight to this amazing country you enjoy your semester broad in a captivating environment and unique atmosphere!

While studying abroad is a prestigious thing in almost every part of the world for aspirants, it can be quite frustrating to confine to the life of books throughout your course with little outdoor explorations.

For this reason, RocApply has set on this platform how you can fully utilize your idle time in Burundi free of boredom. Be sure to check with our community feature to interact with other students from around the world and build yourself a network to get started!

In most cases, programs that for international students to study in Burundi would have several travel components that would be buttressed to their program, this enables students to see round famous destinations and tourist resorts.

Students also have access to social activities like sports as well as other extracurricular activities they can engage in both on and off-campus. While you are studying here, you may get the chance to stay with local families widening your opportunities here.

Students in Burundi have the chance to interact with other students across the university through various platforms such as clubs, sports, and seminars! Almost all institutions have the student council which is responsible for arranging extracurricular activities for students across the university.

You will get a chance to participate in several interesting clubs while making new friends at the same time! 

The Student Councils are also responsible for arranging inter-faculty competitions in the universities that see many talented individuals compete for precious accolades and prizes offered every semester to victorious teams and individuals.

These competitions are meant to draw the best representatives across the universities to compete with other universities on a national level. Students never run short of entertainment in Burundi institutions!

DISCLAIMER: The suggestions on these pages are based primarily on recommendations that we receive from former students. Activity lists are by no means exhaustive; rather, they are meant to give you an idea for exploring all of the ways you can get involved in Burundi! We advise you to check by yourself what beauty lies ahead!



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