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How RocApply Works

Explore programs

Browse through more than hundreds of programs offered in and find your best fit

Find your university

Compare and research about all universities and their special fields

Apply within RocApply

Apply easy and secure with just one mouseclick to your favourite study program for free

Track your progress

Track your application process at every time within RocApply on your

passport Created with Sketch.

Prepare your journey

RocApply will guide you through the Visa process, finding accomodation and flights

Get connected

Don't go to alone! Get connected with fellow students from your country and travel together!

Watch Intro

Study Abroad: Choose where you want to study !

We offer study programs from different universities around the world. Choose the country you wish to study in, select the program you want to major in, and apply directly through RocApply free of charge.

Featured Universities

Some of the universities with great ranking across the world right here from RocApply.
Checkout our featured Universities to enable you apply quickly and secure your spot in any of these top universities around the world

About RocApply

RocApply was founded in Berlin, the vibrant capital city of Germany by a group of former university students in partnership with universities with the goal of simplifying the university application process for prospective students interested in pursuing their education in different parts of the world.

RocApply enables students to search, find and apply directly seamlessly to any institution or university through the platform using just one click. The entire RocApply university application experience was designed to take less than 4 minutes.

RocApply for Students

RocApply was specifically designed and curated to help students in the best way possible. It enables students to simply search, find programs, universities and apply directly through RocAppy for FREE. RocApply team is available 24-7 to provide assistance.

RocApply for Universities

For decades universities have been losing opportunities to entice the most qualified students around the world to apply to their respective institutions due to application process complexity and bureaucracy of which RocApply rectifies that problem.

RocApply Mission

The RocApply mission is simple and straightforward, we want to simplify the university application process for all students and universities through consolidation all services in one platform and providing a one-stop solution for all parties involved.

RocApply Aim

As the first comprehensive university application platform to bridge the university/college application gap on a global scale through strategic partnerships, we aim to be the go-to platform for respective universities but most importantly students.

Other services we provide


Accommodation for students can be a major challenge, however, RocApply together with its partners is attempting to rectify the situation by offering students the ability to search, find and reserve accommodation through the platform. and find your best fit


Preparing and flying to your destination can be a real hassle. We have made it easier by giving you cheap flights options one click away. universities and their special fields


Interested in working part time during your studies? Discover how other students secure part time jobs.

Airport Pick-Up

First impressions matter, a student's first trip from the airport to his or her apartment is crucial to how fast the student adapts to the new environment, hence the reason why RocApply prefers to pick up students from the airport.

Visa Assistance

Applying for a study visa can be very difficult, in order to help students RocApply offers a service which handles the entire visa application process for the students.

RocApply Student Community

Get connected with fellow students from your country and travel together to your international study destination. RocApply connects you with other students and allows you to make friends before you even travel.

Bank Opening Assistance

RocApply has made it possible for everyone to own an international across the border bank account using a simple two minutes process allowing you to have an account you can use everywhere and anywhere.

Payment Assistance

RocApply is providing you with a safe and secure way to pay for services from anywhere in the world by using different options to pay for any service on our platform in a secure environment.

Refer a friend

We think the best recommendations in life come from someone you know. That’s why we would like to offer a chance to reward you for every person you successfully introduce us to. Just send a mail to [email protected].

What People Are Saying About Us

Contact Us

Learn more about us. Reach Us Anytime.

Our address

Pohlstr. 49,
10785 Berlin, Germany

For Agencies

For Universities

For Students