There is a great chance you are considering to study in Tanzania. However, you might be faced with the challenge of financial security throughout your period of study at one of the country’s distinguished universities.
There is a vast array of scholarship opportunities that you can apply online if you cannot fund your studies individually. Theses scholarships cover undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. programs, and can be specific to a country, academic performance, or a field of study.
Students are encouraged to research their field of study before they apply for scholarships, in that way it can become easier to search and find what is tailor-made for the student’s academic needs.
If you are facing challenges with searching for the proper scholarship opportunities, reach out to the RocApply team. We will be more than happy to help you with your inquiry.
Listed below are some of the scholarship opportunities for students wishing to pursue studies in Tanzania:
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
This is designed for American residents with financial constraints willing to study abroad. The students are encouraged to study somewhere out of the traditional norm/countries of study.
MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program
This is a 10-year, $500 million global initiative to educate and develop next-generation leaders who will contribute to social and economic transformation.
International students willing to study in Tanzania can apply.
DAAD scholarship
It is a fully-funded German awards scholarship It is designed to cater to the student’s academic needs, food, and transportation during their period of studying.
The main objective of this scholarship is to produce graduates fully equipped for professional and national leadership.
The Leakey Foundation
This is a world-renowned scholarship dedicated to its research on human origin. With the enormous research opportunities in history and archaeology in Tanzania, this means scholars wishing to pursue this type of research may receive funding with a bit of ease.