Study in Sudan
Have you been planning to pursue your academic career in one of the most uniquely branded Northeastern countries in Africa? Are you looking to learn a unique language and culture in a different environment while studying abroad?! Whatever the motive may be, RocApply Sudan is just the perfect destination for you! The country may not have the fancy that some countries do but certainly, it cannot be dismissed as a study abroad destination for those who are ready to gear themselves for new adventures.
The country offers students with unlimited things to do. Sudan’s attractions are some of the most attractive in the Northeastern African region. Commanding a good balance between sites celebrating the country's immense natural beauty and landmarks that speak of the country’s interesting history, Sudan has a great deal on offer for students of every inclination. Whether it’s an ancient pyramid, a well-established historical museum, or a breathtaking volcanic plateau range, there’s something for everyone.
By far the most popular student draw in the country, the Pyramids of Meroe are one of the last remaining symbols from an ancient civilization. Built by the Meroitic Pharaohs around 500 BC, the pyramids are unique from their counterparts in neighboring Egypt. They display steep brick sides and appear in groups of twelve. The site is not nearly as touristy as the Egyptian landmarks, and students won’t have to fight off tourist touts to see them. Foreign students are permitted to enter the pyramids, in which ancient graffiti and hieroglyphics can be seen.
The best time to visit is just before sunset when the sun shines up the structures with a golden hue. There are accommodations nearby for visiting students who would like to stay the night. Famous perhaps mostly for being the subject of biblical stories, the Red Sea is a great tourist attraction and student alike. Biblical appeal aside, however, the sea is also a gorgeous piece of the country’s natural architecture. With crystal clear waters and some of the most interesting species of fish and stunning coral reefs, it is no wonder that the Red Sea has become particularly busy in the past decade.
Not only will studying here give you the chance to explore these wonders but also the chance to work and earn as you learn! There are internships intended for students with an undergraduate degree in international relations, political science, economics, social science, or similar fields. These opportunities can be mind-opening also serve to strengthen your CV. Many students find the opportunities here fascinating and worthy to engage!

About Sudan
Sudan is a country located in the Northeast African region. The country has made headlines countless times, but often for largely negative events. The world has focused its attention on regions of conflict like Darfur and South Sudan, often overlooking the fact the country is far more than a war territory. Sudan is a geographically, culturally, and historically blended country that is simply waiting to be toured. The political event is on the up and in a few years, it could well be a sought-after travel destination.
It is no secret that the country boasts a stunning natural environment and it should thus come as no surprise that most of the activities on offer to visitors here are outdoors. Adventure-lovers will be intrigued by the excursions both on land and in water, including touring the depths of the Red Sea and walking in the footsteps of Sudanese nomads in an authentic camel trek. The country is just a beauty not to miss!
Sudan’s sights are just as exciting as the activities on offer, with many of them typically celebrating the country’s gorgeous geography. If students want to experience more of Sudan’s natural sights, they’ll find plenty in store for them, particularly in the southern parts of the country. Those interested in learning about the country’s history and culture will also not be turned down as there are many historical sites and museums which cover these concepts well.
The country is still recovering from a prolonged civil war and many parts of the country are still experiencing outbreaks of political and tribal violence. It’s for this reason that accommodation options are unvaried. There are many alternatives in large cities like Khartoum, the capital, but most choices include large hotels and resorts. There’re no real budget options as of yet. The food in the country is well worth a try, but students looking for international fare will have to be content with eating at their hostel as this is where most of the international cuisine is catered for.
While a great deal of the countries is a desert region, other parts of the country are more geographically unique. With the Rea Sea in the northeast and several national parks in the south, the country’s natural environment is fascinating enough to keep travelers occupied. The country's regional neighbors, including Egypt and Ethiopia, are appealing in their rights and should be considered for a visit before or after traveling to the country Sudan.
The weather in this beautiful country is hot throughout the year. In the northern regions, the climate is hot and dry, whereas in the south the weather is hot and a bit humid. Deserts also exhibit drastic temperature differences from day to night, so even though your days may be extremely hot, your nights may be equally cold. A country is a place of extremes. The best weather is between September and April when the Southern rains subside, and the north has not become unbearably scorching yet.
As more and more infrastructure is being restored, getting around Sudan is becoming easier. Car rental is available but expensive and roads in remote areas can be difficult to navigate. Wait! RocApply has the best deals for you in this regard. Check our rental car filters and explore the country unhindered. There is an extensive train network but buses are the most popular way of traveling between cities because they are cheaper and oftentimes faster depending on your bank.
About Sudan's Economy
The key drivers of the country’s growth are mining and agriculture. Each of these sectors is in turn highly dependent on one-factor ore prices in the first case and climatic hazards in the second creating significant volatility in economic activity. Economic growth remains moderate, mainly because the contribution from mining will continue to be affected by low prices for certain ores (copper, zinc). Nevertheless, the sector has bright medium-term prospects.
The economy of the country has boomed on the back of increases in oil production, high oil prices, and large inflows of foreign direct investment until the second half of 2002. GDP growth registered more than 10 percent per year in 2006 and 2007. From 1997 to date, Sudan has been working with the IMF to implement macroeconomic reforms, including a managed float of the exchange rate. The county began exporting crude oil in the last quarter of 1999.
Agricultural production remains important because it employs 80% of the workforce and contributes a third of GDP here. The Darfur conflict, the aftermath of two decades of civil war in the south, the lack of basic infrastructure in large areas, and a reliance by much of the population on subsistence agriculture ensure much of the population will remain at or below the poverty line for years despite the rapid increase in average per capita income. In January 2007, the government introduced a new currency, the Sudanese Pound, at an initial exchange rate of $1.00 for 2 Sudanese Pounds.
Initially, due to a border clash, the conflict with Ethiopia, coupled with accusations over the funding of al-Shabab armed groups in Somalia, had excluded the country from the international community and led to UN sanctions (arms embargo, travel bans, asset freeze). The sanctions were lifted in November 2018 to embrace the peace efforts enforced, which also extended to relations with Somalia, Sudan, and Djibouti. The peace accord has raised high hopes in the region, as illustrated by the numerous infrastructure investments announced since then.
However, the unilateral decision to close borders with Ethiopia in April 2019, along with the regime's slowness to comply with the peace agreement and to undertake reforms, are fuelling reservations among potential investors. In particular, a reform of the nation’s indefinite military service, one of the main reasons prompting Sudanese to emigrate, would be a major sign of openness. It is against this background that the business environment remains very poor, with Sudan coming second to last in the World Bank's Doing Business ranking.
DISCLAIMER: This report was last updated 2019 April. Due to the sensitivity of economic information and data privacy, RocApply publishes only authentic indices as gathered from relevant and trusted sources.
Why Study in Sudan
Visit the National Museum
Explore Marra
Thriving Education System
Omdurman is Worthy your Visit
Scholarships in Sudan
The long and short term academic programs are available in South Sudan across many universities and educational centers. International students and researchers may apply to BA, MA, Ph.D., and postdoctoral research programs in South Sudan. Furthermore, summer schools and conferences are other excellent academic activities that make South Sudan an attractive destination for scholars and researchers. Most of the programs also come with fully-funded scholarships and fellowships as well as travel grants and financial aid, thus international students, researchers, and professors can always find a suitable program in South Sudan and apply.
Sudan Student Visa
As an aspiring student in Sudan, you will need a student visa that will help you to gain entry into the country without any problems. Thus RocApply has put together the requirements for a student visa in Sudan. The student visa has to be obtained whilst you are in your country of origin. However, it is always advisable to check updated information on visa requirements in case there are any changes.