Study in South Sudan
Are you considering studying abroad? In one of the newest nation in Africa. Well! South Sudan might be your destination. The country prides itself on beautiful natural landscapes and it is also a home for a wide range of wild animals. One of the main reasons for you to study abroad is the possibility of seeing the world. In South Sudan, you will have the opportunity to explore and visit new places and immerse yourself in the culture of the country you will study your undergraduate, Masters, or P.h.D degree. Then South Sudan can allow you to explore its culture whilst pursuing your studies. RocApply is there to take you through the process at no cost at all.
As RocApply, we commit ourselves to make your studies here at South Sudan as seamless as possible free of charge. We connect students with universities globally. RocApply understands that a university application can be very frustrating therefore, we are here to relieve you of the pressure and with RocApply you just make your application with just one mouse click. Apply easy and secure with just one mouse click to your preferred study program in South Sudan, the world's newest nation which has a modern shape and great ethnic mix.
With the opportunity to widen your horizons RocApply dedicates this guide to inform you why an option to study here may be great after all especially if you intend to have a breath-taking experience! South Sudan is a country in the Northeastern part of Africa that offers a wonderful study abroad experience. The countries official language in English making it a very attractive destination for almost all students across the globe!
If you have been contemplating pursuing your academic career in one of the most biodiverse countries in Africa then you have found yourself on the right page. Whether you intend to seek a new place to learn a new language and culture while studying abroad, whatever the motive may be, RocApply South Sudan is just the perfect destination for you! There is a vast reason why a semester abroad here can be very interesting for your prospects. Never be late to, apply now with us, and enjoy your stay with the South Sudanese!

About South Sudan
South Sudan is located in East-Central Africa; south of Sudan, north of Uganda and Kenya, west of Ethiopia. Plains in the north and center rise to southern highlands next to the border with Uganda and Kenya. The White Nile, flows from the north out of the uplands of Central Africa, is the main geographic feature of the country. The Sudd, a name that came from floating vegetation that hinders navigation is a large swampy area of more than 100,000 square km fed by the waters of the White Nile that boasts the center of the country.
Know about facts!
South Sudan’s rich biodiversity includes lush savannas, swamplands, and rainforests that are habitat to many species of wildlife. Previous to 2011, South Sudan was previously part of Sudan, which is the country’s neighbor on the north. The country’s population, is dominated mostly by African cultures who tend to adhere to Christian or animist beliefs, was long at odds with Sudan’s largely Muslim and Arab northern regime. Juba is South Sudan’s capital.
Did you know that?
-South Sudan got its modern shape and ethnic mix from the great migrations of tribes. In the 15th century the Shilluk settled along the White Nile, followed by the pastoralist Dinka, and Azande from the Congo basin, two centuries later. In the mid 19th century, Egypt pressed south into the Sudd, as other foreigners’ were also getting into South Sudan. The 1860s saw the expeditions of the explorers John Hanning Speke, Jame Grant and Samuel and Florence Baker, all trying to map the origin of the Nile.
-There’s an off-piste, and then there is South Sudan.
-Officially the world’s newest country, its poor infrastructure and volatile political climate deters it most from visiting this fledging nation. But fearless few who do visit will discover some of the least known and most amazing natural phenomena on the globe.
-After a chaotic separation from Sudan in 2011, the South Sudanese people are sternly proud of their hard-earned independence and both astonished and pleased when someone chooses to visit.
-Somewhat messy and growing rapidly, the capital of South Sudan, Juba, has a great location on the banks of the White Nile. Founded in the 1900s, it exhibits some excellent examples of British colonial art around the Hai Jalaba district, though most visitors will want to leave man-made structures behind and head for the country’s natural beauties.
-The huge swampy Sudd region, known locally as Bahr el Jebel or Mountain Sea is where the Nile forms one of the world’s largest inland wetlands. An environment safe from poachers for big populations of hippos, it’s a unique experience to explore its gigantic islands of reeds by canoe.
-Boma National Park not only proud itself from large populations of Africa’s most iconic wildlife animals, including elephant, giraffe and lion, but also the greatest migration of mammals on Earth, when an estimated 2million grazing animals flee in mass for new pastures.
-The country is renowned for its traditional tribal homesteads, which occupies the plains.
-Not content with rivers, swamps and savannah, the country’s natural prowess extends to the Imatong mountains, and the star attraction here is Kinyet which is the highest mountain in the country at 3,200m. The South Sudanese consider their homeland blessed and it is hard to disagree when you see the sheer diversity of natural landscapes this beautiful country has to offer.
About South Sudan's Economy
We understand that as you negotiate through choosing which country to study in the Economy of your options becomes contextual and important. For that reason, we have created this guide for you to immerse yourself in what you should know about the economy, of your beloved South Sudan. Be sure to go the whole guide to widen your insight!
South Sudan is a mainly oil-dependent nation in the world with oil accounting for almost the totality of exports, and around 60% of its gross domestic product (GDP). The country’s GDP per capita in 2014 was $1,111 dropping to less than $200 in 2017. Outside the oil sector, livelihoods are concentrated in low productive, unpaid agriculture and pastoralists labor.
Ever since 1999, the country’s oilfields have supported the economy. After independence which took place in 2011, the negotiators between the north and south were unable to reach an agreement as to in how to split the oil income. Of the oil reserves in the north and south estimates indicate eighty percent of the untapped reserves are in the south. South Sudan relies on pipelines and processing facilities in the north. A fifty-fifty split was in place during the negotiations. South Sudan’s economy receives ninety-eight percent of its revenues from oil.
Before independence, most of the government’s revenue was derived from its oil-revenue-sharing agreement with the national government in Khartoum; similar arrangements were expected to continue after the secession of South Sudan. Very little revenue is raised by direct or indirect taxation.
Adding on South Sudan’s economy, traditional rain-fed farming of small plots predominates in the country, even though mechanized farming techniques are gradually more utilized in some areas, such as in the northern part of the country. The country’s major crop is sorghum. There are also other crops which include maize, millet, rice, cassava, peanuts (groundnuts), sweet potatoes, okra, and coffee.
The core subsistence crops are sorghum, corn, and cassava, with smaller amounts of millet and rice being in grown in some areas. Peanuts are the main cash crop. In addition, there is also a considerable amount of livestock raised in the country, including goats, sheep, and cattle. Some livestock are raised for export, but this sector of the country’s economy is not yet fully developed. Furthermore, agriculture is the main area of employment in South Sudan, with some four-fifths of households depending on agricultural activities as their major source of livelihood.
Historically, the limited industrial sector and the predominance of rural life have largely negated the need for workers’ and employers’ associations. Regardless, trade unions were abolished in Sudan in 1989, which affected South Sudan until its 2011 independence.
The forests of South Sudan yield hardwood timber, such as mahogany and sant, a type of acacia, and softwoods. Gum Arabic, in South Sudan it is called gum Africa, a water-soluble gum obtained from acacia trees and used in the production of adhesives, candy, and pharmaceuticals, is an important agricultural export.
The Nile rivers are the main source of fish, especially Nile perch of which most of the catch is consumed locally. There’s however, a potential to increase the amount of fish that is sold at market and the opportunity of having enough fish available to export, given proper support and development of the fishing industry.
DISCLAIMER: Due to the sensitivity of economic information and data privacy, RocApply publishes only authentic indices as gathered from relevant and trusted sources.
Why Study in South Sudan
Boma National Park
Bor Wrestling
Education System
Nimule National Parkt
Scholarships in South Sudan
Long and short term academic programs are available in South Sudan across many universities and educational centers. International students and researchers may apply to BA, MA, Ph.D., and postdoctoral research programs in South Sudan. Furthermore, summer schools and conferences are other excellent academic activities that make South Sudan an attractive destination for scholars and researchers. Most of the programs also come with fully-funded scholarships and fellowships as well as travel grants and financial aid, thus international students, researchers, and professors can always find a suitable program in South Sudan and apply.
South Sudan Student Visa
As an aspiring student in South Sudan you will definitely need a student visa that will help you to gain entry in the country without any problems. Thus RocApply has put together the requirements for a student visa in South Sudan. The student visa has to be obtained whilst you are in your country of origin. However, it is always advisable to check updated information on visa requirements in case there are any changes.