LifeStyle and Culture in Slovenia
Slovenia, in general, is very well known for its natural and incredibly diverse beauty. Apart from their amazing coastline, the country also has extraordinary alpine peaks, sparkling lakes, and emerald green rivers, many of which have been used in a wide range of international movies making the country a beautiful location for many visitors. Because the country is quite small you can raft around these emerald rivers in one single day and ski across the plains in the evenings.
One fascinating thing happening in Slovenia is their unique underworld ecosystem which can be found for example in the Škocjan caves which is one of the largest underground canyons in the world. It has been inhabited since prehistoric times and stands as a world heritage site, the unique ecosystem has evolved there due to its large size and its microclimatic conditions.
Slovenia is also quite known for its population and Slovenes are described as very disciplined and honest. They are also said to be quite introverted and shy from an outside glance which is very common amongst many Europeans, but they generally also open up and relax once you get to know them. Many foreigners and students in the country describe them as very kind, extremely patriotic, and always happy to show off their country.
The capital city Ljubljana is one of Europe’s most livable cities and one of the greenest capitals on the continent. The city also has restricted car traffic in the center which mixed with the friendly attitude of the people there, makes it one of the most laid-back capitals in the world.
The Slovenian people are wine-loving and it is said that there is a wine vineyard or cellar for every seventy people who live there. The country is also one of the most successful countries in terms of sporting achievements, especially in extreme sports.
Some astonishing Slovene sports achievements include alpinist and extreme skier Davo Kaničar who was the first man to ski down from Mount Everest in 2000, and Martin Strel who was the first man successfully swim the Amazon and the Mississippi and still swims in extreme conditions.
Slovenia is home to the quite astonishing island Bled, in the Lake Bled which also has few buildings and even a church. Weddings and other ceremonies are regularly held there and according to tradition in Slovenia, to ensure a long and happy marriage the groom has to carry the bride the 99 stairs leading to the island.