University life is quite a challenge for foreign students. Students usually find part-time jobs to sustain their studies. The extra funds help the students to pay tuition and cover extra costs on transport and food. Here are a few tips for a good part-time job:
- Experience-when choosing a part-time job, find a job that will give you the best experience
- Relevance- consider a job that will give you the necessary experience that you will need for your program or after completion.
- Time- consider a job that is less strenuous in terms of time. The job should be manageable so that students can handle both school and the job.
- Salary-find a job that will sustain you financially to support your studies.
- Location - find a job that is closer to the campus or place of residence to manage your time in-between the job and studies.
Part-time job options for students are as follows:
- Bartenders-most students take up jobs as bartenders in a foreign country. This is a relatively easy job and shifts can be negotiated to accommodate studies.
- Waiters-waiting on restaurant tables is one common job for students as well. They can earn more through tips and they can have better flexible hours, unlike other jobs, depending on the arrangement with their employer.
- Customer attendant- students can work as customer attendants for shops and supermarkets.
- Customer front desk attendant- students can work as front desk attendants at hotels, motels, or restaurants and attend to customers and queries.
- English tutor- Senegal is a francophone country, which means the official language is French and those good and fluent in English can take up lessons to teach the locals how to communicate properly in English.
- Interns-students in Senegal can take up jobs as interns. This gives them a platform to learn about the nature of the job for which course they are studying and sometimes earn for it.
For companies interested in working with RocApply
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