Institutions here like everywhere around the world, here are committed to making student life as interesting as possible. With various activities ranging from on-campus to off-campus initiatives students never run short of what to do at Saint Barthelemian institutions. When you have taken your flight to this amazing country you enjoy your semester broad in a captivating environment and unique atmosphere!
In addition to cultural trips and conferences, each establishment organizes regular sports exchanges that offer students the opportunity to mix and mingle with the local population, practicing their new Saint Barthelemian skills and making new friends at the same time. At some of the non-American language schools, foreign students will also have the opportunity to meet their local counterparts who attend classes at the institutions.
Talking of accommodation for students here! International students at the public universities are entitled to highly subsidized accommodation, usually in dormitories. Therefore, most students do not have the pressure of having to find a job during their study at university and can participate in the various extracurricular activities offered by the academicestablishments. Sports, particularly football, are popular with male students, although less mainstream sports including ultimate frisbee are also offered.
Students, especially inthe cities, are politically active, with major opposition parties such as the Saint Barthelemy Carnival having large student subscriptions.In most cases, programs that for international students to study in Saint Barthelemy would have several travel components that would be buttressed to their program, this enables students to see round famous destinations and tourist resorts. Students also have access to social activities like sports as well as other extracurricular activities they can engage in both on and off-campus.
While you are studying here, you may get the chance to stay with local families widening your opportunities here.Students can choose from a wide range of possibilities for accommodation, extreme activities, and even trips. Because in the world of Saint Barthelemianuniversities, the aim is for you to learn Science while visiting the fantastic countryside sites where you can find the most relevant monuments of the country and enjoy a different culture. Decide to study with us and we will make sure that you have a memorable experience that will also help you in your personal social growth.
Saint Barthelemianschools are much more than just academic places. They are a place from which students can embark on a wider journey to experience their chosen destination, their people, and a new traditionunique to their own. Institutions advise students to explore as many new dimensions and perspectives as possible while they are with us. To help students indulge themselves, each of the universities offers a variety of extracurricular activities throughout the year.
DISCLAIMER: The suggestions on these pages are based primarily on recommendations that we receive from former students. Activity lists are by no means exhaustive; rather, they are meant to give you an idea for exploring all of the ways you can get involved in Saint Barthelemy! We advise you to check by yourself what beauty lies ahead!