Wherever you decide to study abroad, it is up to you to make the study abroad destination feel like home in most cases. But in the State of Palestine, this is a joint task, universities are always on their toes to figure what activities and sessions to offer students both inside and outside classroom life to enhance their study abroad experiences in the State of Palestine!
Student life in the State of Palestine is one of the most outstanding in the whole Middle Eastern Region.
Study abroad in the State of Palestine is a game-changer. Almost everything that makes up life in the country for international students will play into the most inevitable feature of studying abroad.
Our understanding of the world is shaped by the culture we grew up in, and when we take time in a new and different culture, our perceptions are confounded. Disruptions are normal. Surprises can be awesome even so. Both of these will always be around, on every route, just as smoke surrounds fire.
Studying abroad here is an opportunity to consider and perhaps alter how you respond to disruptions. It’s an exercise in trying to find balance before finally realizing that balance isn’t dynamic; it’s static, and it can be found by shifting how we move through challenges to our norms and unexpected happenings. Students who study in the State of Palestine get to immerse themselves in a uniquely branded culture that can be interesting to be a part of.
Many international students study abroad in the State of Palestine to improve their Arabic. Even if that's not a primary target, it's great to learn some keywords and phrases in Arabic if you'll be living in the State of Palestine for an extended period.
Student seminars are arranged that help them embrace the local language and build networks that rather open new avenues for the international job market; exchange programs, interaction clubs, and sporting activities!
Not only is the student life enclosed within classroom lectures here! Universities arranger for trips and travel that allow students to explore the country and enjoy whole new culture landscapes!
Even so, you will have a long list of things I still want to do while studying in the country, and it's great knowing there are many options here for international students who love staying active.
You can hang around locals well-acquainted with the geography of the country for rock climbing, mountain biking, white water rafting, snowshoeing, and the list goes on.
If you are studying in the capital then you will rest assured to enjoy your study! Beirut is a small city, the city proper is only eight square miles, so you can and must walk about it and explore it. Some of the best days you can accrue here can be just about walking around and exploring different areas.
If you don't take the time to walk around, you won't discover the fascinating views of the mountains and beautiful abandoned train tracks!
DISCLAIMER: The suggestions on these pages are based primarily on recommendations that we receive from former students. Activity lists are by no means exhaustive; rather, they are meant to give you an idea for exploring all of the ways you can get involved in the State of Palestine! We advise you to check by yourself what beauty lies ahead!