
Student Life in Moldova

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(Bachelor's, Master's & PhD)

Moving to a new country is no easy feat, especially when you are an international student. For the majority of international students, it might be your first time leaving the nest.

We no longer can turn to the comforts of our home and family like we used to, so as RocApply we understand that for many of you, starting a new chapter in a different country can be daunting.However, do not fret! In this guide, we offer some tips to get you through adjusting to your new life as an international student.

The most interesting and joyful years are university years. Years, when a person receives professional empowerment, makes new friends and relations. You start to think and make important steps as an individual.

What kind of student life you will have depends on yourself first, then the university you choose, your university system, which aims at providing you rich, interesting, and unique experiences out of the classroom.

This is why RocApply has made this guide to inform you of the latter experiences in Moldovan Universities.

Student life in Moldova is interesting because it not only consists of studying, it consists also of fun, making friends, some interesting and useful programs for students, and also here there are always some conferences and seminars for students across the universities.

Apart from university life, you will have the chance to explore this beautiful country. Most of the activities on offer are outdoors-based, making the country a nature lover’s dream destination. The latter statement saves the pulling factor for most students here!

There are a lot of national cuisines to enjoy on-campus not only with vegetables but also you can find some original and traditional Moldovan sweets too. As you see Moldovan cuisine is for everyone with different tastes and it's important that a lot of national dishes have some interesting stories and they come from centuries and students across the country are always intrigued to enjoy the food.

Universities have Student Unions and Councils, which is a self-governed, representative body, aims to protect students' rights, discuss issues, and present the issues to their superiors.

The Student Councils aim at involving students in the scientific and research works directing them to science and promoting the future scientific potential of the Universities. Student issues that affect their everyday lives are addressed by these councils and pave way for development across several spheres during their study course.

While studying abroad is a prestigious thing in almost every part of the world for aspirants, it can be quite frustrating to confine to the life of books throughout your course with little outdoor explorations.

For this reason, RocApply has set on this platform how you can fully utilize your idle time in Moldova free of boredom. Be sure to check with our community feature to interact with other students from around the world and build yourself a network to get started! Disclaimer:

The suggestions on these pages are based primarily on recommendations that we receive from former students. Activity lists are by no means exhaustive; rather, they are meant to give you an idea for exploring all of the ways you can get involved in Moldova! We advise you to check by yourself what beauty lies ahead!



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