There are plenty of part-time jobs for students in Laos. The country is an emerging economy and hence there is plenty of employment opportunities. Part-time job options for students in Laos are as follows:
Sales agents- students in Laos can get jobs a freelance sales agents for cosmetic companies or any online companies. This can be done at their own pace and does not interfere with their studies.sss
Nursing assistants- students can also work as nursing assistants at the university hospitals in Laos. They get to learn on the job and get the requisite experience.
On-line Work- online jobs are the easiest jobs to find and they do not require students to exert themselves too much on the job. Students work at their own pace and on their own time. The more jobs the more students can earn. Such jobs can include online marketing, online paid surveys, etc.
Waiters- this is one of the most common professions that is taken up by students who need to make some extra money on the side. waiting on tables can be done at hotels, motels, and restaurants, etc.
Shop assistants- students can work as shop assistants and serve customers or assist in sorting customer orders in shops. This is a less strenuous job for students and they will perform it with ease.
English tutor- English lecturing or tutoring is one of the most sought after jobs I Laos. English is becoming quite popular and many institutions are hiring English tutors both on a part-time and full-time basis. Students can take up the job and teach proper English and communication and make some money.
For companies interested in working with RocApply
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