If you are intending to work during your period of study in Kiribati then you should plan in time. You should check out more regularly available part-time job opportunities on our jobs page.
Most university programs and college programs here allow students to work on a part-time basis preferably five days a week. These are quite crucial and pivotal in buttressing your bank! Be sure to check our Rocapply Jobs page for information relating to jobs!
Though earning from such jobs would not be sufficient to pay for tuition fees but it will be of little help to support your studies for example to pay your food bills or maybe travel expenses.
You can make some pocket money working part-time while pursuing a study program in Kiribati. The opportunities that are presented to students also allow them to widen their prospects in the job market after university.
The type of job you will get largely depends on your qualification, previous work experiences if you have any, and your skill sets.
Besides money, a part-time job also helps you to learn in real-time; for example, when you work for a college cafeteria or security you meet many new people, learn new dialects, and get a fair chance to socialize with local people.
If you stay back on campus during summer breaks chose to work full time to make some extra money, this can add well towards your next semester expenditure.
Also, weekends are free, you can look around for some jobs that can be done over holidays to make some extra money; for example, you can mow the lawn or house cleaning.
If you know driving and have a local driving license you can take people for sightseeing and would be pretty exciting. You will enjoy your holidays while serving travelers.
Also, you can get part-time job opportunities outside the campus for example to work for a gas filling station or newspaper delivery, etc. You can find part-time work opportunities around campus from local newspaper advertisements, classifieds or social media, etc. Also, senior students and college groups will be helpful.
Many colleges and universities provide internships to the students as a part of their program. Thus, students can also earn through internships and continue with their studies.
When you work part-time for someone this makes to part of your profile and works as a good recommendation when looking for a regular day job. For part-time jobs, although local candidates are preferred there are no reservations. Anyone can apply for such jobs and earn money.
Tips for Students Part-Time Job Seekers in Kiribati
Options such as working in the cafeteria, library, supporting the administrative department are available to students.
Moreover, one can also look for jobs near colleges or residences to save time to travel.
Students can discuss with their peers who are already working and can join the same place.
Part-Time employment is one of the best options available to the students, as it provides a lot of experience and financial support.
Few options that students can avail themselves outside their college premises are, working in an amusement park, grocery store, mall, showrooms, restaurants, fuel pumps, or even work.
For companies interested in working with RocApply
For companies interested in working with RocApply to secure employment for students please send us an email at Kiribati@rocapply.com