
Indonesia Primary School Structure

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Government Elementary schools are free for students from the 1st Grade in Elementary School, for 6 to 7 years olds, to the 3rd Grade in Junior High School, for 14 to 15 years olds. It is estimated 93% of elementary schools in Indonesia are state-run. Children must attend elementary school (Sekolah Dasar, SD) from the ages of six to 11 years. Children must complete elementary school within six years, with accelerated tracks for students in some areas.

Primary education

  • Ages: 6-12
  • Duration: 6 years
  • Primary Languages: Indonesian, English
  • Terms: 3
  • Admission Term: throughout the year

The curriculum in elementary school offers subjects such as the arts, geography, history, physics, biology, maths, local languages, Bahasa Indonesian language, P.E, religious studies and information technology, English from 4th Grade (9 to10 years olds), another foreign language such as Mandarin or Arabic.

The main language of instruction in any public school is Indonesian. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) is the Islamic alternative to elementary school, whose curriculum places greater focus on Islamic religious instruction and Arabic. Students in elementary or primary school can participate in extracurricular activities provided by the school including sports, arts, or religious studies.

As of 2014, most elementary schools were government-operated public schools and accounted for 90.29% of all elementary schools in Indonesia.

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