Student Jobs in Finland
Students have the opportunity to work in combination with their studies in Finland. There are many sides or part-time jobs that employ foreign students, these jobs are not too stressful or competitive in some cases but they readily provide some money that covers the average student living costs and then some. Although there is no universal minimum wage in Finland, most of the employees are covered by a collective agreement that specifies the minimum pay rate for various sectors.
Wages in the collective agreement are generally determined according to employee skills, experience, and the geographical situation of the workplace. But the minimum wage in most professions in Finland are amongst the highest in Europe.
One interesting fact in Finland is that every establishment minimum pay rate must be applied for both Finnish and foreign workers which means as a foreign student working in the country you have the same possibilities as a Finnish worker.
The average salary for part-time jobs in Finland is about €2,500 per month and the job options are actually very broad even for foreigners and international students. There is employment in the service industry such as restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, movie cinemas, and tourist cabins or saunas.
These jobs only require basic skills and simple Finnish or English knowledge without any pressure on qualification or any further skills. Delivery and cleaning jobs are also available and popularly done by students who want to make extra money while studying.
Some helpful tips to find part-time jobs in Finland include;
Ask your local school and department: it is very common to see positions aimed at students in the faculty or the department, openings for teaching assistants or research assistants are very usual. And this is a brilliant opportunity for students to learn and develop in their field while also studying. These positions are paid and sometimes cover tuition and offer stipends as well. Please make sure to check all the opportunities and possible channels available in your school.
Check out the local student associations or organizations: Finland continues to become international especially among student associations and organizations so be sure to check out these clubs and groups for any paid work or jobs. For example, most universities in the country have a platform called ‘Demola’ which is an organization that pairs students with companies to create projects together and they are usually rewarded monetarily. Also, check out startup hubs across cities like Helsinki, and offer them your services and get paid in return.
Start Networking: start networking from your first day on campus, start talking to students, teachers, and faculty members. Create a social media presence that keeps you informed on all the happenings in school and in your location in general.
Lastly, in Finland, it is perfectly normal to contact the employers directly or walking into the establishments. It is considered very brave and often times even heralded. Be active and get acquainted with your environment and do not be afraid to contact your potential employer.