Study in Costa Rica
Are you ready to go overseas and study abroad in an inevirtably intriguing land? In a place you’ll get lost of choice and experience world-class encounters with nature beauties!? Then share your tidings and get ready to fly to Coista Rica with RocApply!
Costa Rica is an attractive and affordable country in which most students consider studying all-year round, with one of the highest literacy rates in Latin America and a strong educational system, from primary school to university level.
First, Costa Rica is in Central America, please do not confuse it for Mexico! Ohh, and just so you know, on the second, Costa Rica is not an island! A bit of Costa Rican history Rocies…After abolishing its army in the year 1949, the country's defence budget was rightfully reallocated to fund education, among other valuable initiatives.
The Ministry of Culture aimed to replace the military with an ‘army of teachers’, and human development has been an essential element when it developing its school curriculum.
Let’s agree, there are plenty of places throughout the world to study as an international student. Some offer better educational programs than those programs found in Costa Rica.
However, the courses may range widely in terms of what they have to offer. Here, students not only can come to learn, but also to immerse into the Costa Rican community. Many of the business programs have leveraged locals how to open and establish businesses here.
Education is encouraged at every level in Costa Rica, and this high-quality scholastic environment attracts students from around the globe. Several renowned universities, as well as a network of bookstores and publishing houses, have put San Jose on the map as a nucleus of academic life in Latin America.
And Costa Rica has become a particularly popular study-abroad destination for those looking to enrol on intensive Spanish language programmes, as it offers the ideal opportunity for language immersion, as well as offering exposure to local dialects and native languages, such as Jamaican creole.
As RocApply we facilitate your journey by first giving you important information prior to admission then arranging for your transport and arrival in Costa Rica, ALL FOR FREE! Right?! Yes, for FREE! All you have to do is read through our guide and once you’re satisfied with your university choice go through our application steps and the rest is automated for your convinience. Why wait, apply here today!

About Costa Rica
Students hoping to explore new opportunities and cultures may wish to study here. The country has a rich history and plenty of beautiful landscapes to explore.
This country's Latin American culture is evident from the moment you step your feet into it. Yet, for those looking to obtain higher education here, there are unlimited exceptional opportunities available.
Let’s us learn more about Costa Rica!
Costa Rica is a Central American country lying between Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south. The country has a narrow Pacific coastal region.
Costa Rica was cited by the United Nations United Nations Development Programme in 2010 as one of the countries that have attained much higher human development than other countries at the same income levels and, in 2011, was highlighted by UNDP for being a great performer on environmental sustainability and having a better record on human development and inequality than the median of their region.
Costa Rica has a very warm and humid climate. It has subtropical and tropical climates prevailing throughout the area. You’ll find that much of the terrain is in fact that of rainforests, which makes it the ideal course of study for many students visiting the area.
During the rainy season, which stretches from May through November, it is likely to rain daily. Temperatures remain warm throughout the year. During the dry season, which runs from November through April, more tourists flock simply because it is better for viewing.
Keep in mind that here temperatures remain around or above 80 degrees F throughout the year.
The country has a strong religious affiliation and its cultural heritage is also very diverse. Most people here speak Spanish, others also speak native languages as well as English.
A few speak French. From the food to the music, you’ll find a strong Spanish vibe. Dancing, beautiful artwotk, and hand made sculptures are some of the other defining elements of this country.
There are many reasons to make Costa Rica the place for your to study abroad. You’ll have the ability to learn in a very small educational facility with ample opportunities to use what you learn within the local community.
For many reasons, this makes this the ideal country for students looking for international opportunities to explore the world and to make a difference in their own lives by doing so.
About Costa Rica's Economy
In many aspects, Costa Rica is a success story in terms of economic development. It is considered an upper middle-income country, which has reflected a steady economic growth over the past 25 years.
This growth emanated from an outward-oriented strategy, based on the openness to foreign investment and gradual trade liberalization.
The country is also a global leader for its environmental policies and accomplishments, which have helped the country build its Green Trademark
The pioneering Payments for Environmental Services program has been successful in promoting forest and biodiversity conservation, thus making Costa Rica the only tropical country in the world that has reversed deforestation.
The combination of political stability, social contract and steady growth has resulted in one of the lowest poverty rates in Latin America and the Caribbean, where the proportion of the population with incomes below US$ 5.6 per person per day decreased slightly from 12.9 to 10.7 percent between 2010 and 2016.
Costa Rica has a stable economy and a relatively high standard of living compared to other Latin American countries. In fact its economy depends mainly in tourism, which is a rapidly expanding industry, agriculture, and electronic components exports.
Costa Rica’s success in recent decades is also reflected in its strong indicators of human development, which have contributed to move the country up the global ranks, higher than the other countries in the region.
Costa Rica's major economic resources are fertile land and frequent rainfall, its well-educated population, and its strategic location in the Central American isthmus, which provides easy access to North and South American markets and direct ocean access to the European and Asian Continents.
One-fourth of Costa Rica's land is dedicated to national reserved forests, often adjoining picturesque beaches, which has made the country a popular destination for affluent retirees and tourists.
Costa Rica used to be known as a principal producer of bananas and coffee. Although it is still a largely agricultural country, its manufacturing and industry´s contribution to economy has overtaken agriculture in the last 16 years.
The main export products in 2004, in order of priority were electronic components, textiles, bananas, medical equipment, pineapples, medicines, coffee and prepared food.
In recent years, the country has successfully attracted important investments by such companies as Intel Corporation, which employs more than 2,000 people, Procter & Gamble, which is establishing its administrative center for the Western Hemisphere; and Abbott Laboratories and Baxter Healthcare from the health care products industry.
Costa Rica also has a stable banking system with many state and private banks.
Why Study in Costa Rica
Livin’ la Pura Vida (Simple Rican Life)
Quality Education
Relatively Affordable
Interaction with other international students
Scholarships in Costa Rica
Are you a student in Costa Rica or an aspiring one? The Colombia Government Scholarship Program is a chance for you.
The Colombian government offers scholarships to foreign citizens to pursue a Specialist or Master or Ph.D. (according to the university program) in a Costa Rican educational institution of their choice.
Financial grants are offered to foreign citizens in exchange for the international cooperation received by Colombia under existing cooperation agreements.
The Costa Rican Scholarships covers quite a lot, take your time and go through this content RocApply has arranged all the details you need to win the Costa Rican Government Scholarships for International students.
Costa Rica Student Visa
A student visa is official permission by a foreign government to live and study in that country. United States citizens will receive a 90-day tourist visa at customs upon arrival in Costa Rica.
During on-site orientation, the USAC staff will explain how to extend the 90-day tourist visa to an “estancia” or “permission to stay” for the full length of your program.
Check with your home country consulate, as well as the embassy of the country in which you plan to study, regarding visa requirements.