Preparing yourself to stay with new people can be a mountain to climb alone. This is why RocApply has made this functional guide to help you with the process of acquiring information on the daily routines to observe in the land of the Corsicans! We are committed to making life easy for you! Apart from this, we can guarantee you that people here are as welcoming as it gets. You will certainly make a few friends with minimal effort here!
Corsicans are generally laid-back and easy going, they appreciate friendliness and patience: be sure to greet people with “Monsieur”, “Madame” or “Mademoiselle” and try not to get bored by any hold ups you may have such as roads being blocked by two drivers having a conversation.
This is an island of culture with an abundance of music, art and cultural festivals which are organised by volunteers passionate about their chosen interest. Many of the island’s villages also hold a fete or festival to celebrate its native crafts and produce, as well as religious or historical events. For more details see ‘Festivals and Events’.
The nation’s unique polyphonic music is haunting and has undergone a revival in recent years. Groups of three or four perform either a cappella or accompanied by percussion, flutes or stringed instruments. Each of the musicians performs with a hand over one ear to prevent them from being distracted by the singer next to them as each voice has a distinct role: the first offers the melody, the second the bass and the third has greater freedom to improvise, but is much higher pitched.
The rich and chequered history of Corsica shows itself around every corner with some fascinating architecture. Monuments, citadels, watchtowers and museums scattered all over the island bear witness to the ever-changing and often turbulent history of this multi-cultural island. Of particular note are the Baroque style churches in la Balagne region and the 60 Genoese watchtowers that punctuate the coastline.
The people are spiritual and religiously conscious. They are by nature open, thoughtful and kind. Corsicans are people full of compassion and courtesy! This is evidenced by the level of security and peace the country offers. You will likely stay for the entirety of your study period unbothered here! There is no need to contemplate about studying here. The country lives up to its fame! Make your application today with RocApply and get started to roll with everyone else here.