
China Pre School Structure

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Pre-school education is an important component of education for children up to the age of 5 years. In urban areas in China pre-school education is mainly kindergartens of 1 to 3 years, which can be full time, part-time, boarding or hour schools. In rural areas, pre-schools include nursery classes and seasonal kindergartens.

Besides the normal preschools, there are children's activity centers, game groups, mobile aid centers, and a mobile service known as the caravan. Preschool education normally starts at age of three. Costs for preschool education vary depending on the services rendered.

Pre-primary education

  • Ages                            : 3-6
  • Duration:
  • Primary Languages:
  • Terms                          :
  • Admission Term:
  • School types:

Pre-primary education includes nurseries, kindergartens, and pre-schools which offer various educational and training classes designed to give children a head start and prepare them for a successful academic future.

Pre-primary education is also available for children aged 2 years and above. The various schools that offer primary education aim to foster children’s intellectual, physical, artistic, and moral development. These can be classified as follows:

Nursery: 2-3 years olds

Lower (junior) Kindergarten: 3-4 years old

Upper (senior) Kindergarten:4-5 years old

Pre-School       5-6 years old

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