
Scholarship Opportunities For Students in Chad

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(Bachelor's, Master's & PhD)

Scholarships are available for students who wish to study in the Central African Republic. Some of the known categories of scholarships in the central African republic include engineering scholarships, merit based scholarships, need based scholarships, athletic scholarships, art scholarships, medical scholarships, research scholarships, and grants, to mention but a few.

The KDS Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to all students who demonstrate outstanding results in their studies. The potential candidates must have and share their breakthrough story on what made them decide to pursue a graduate degree.


  • Students must be enrolled at an institution in the Central African Republic.
  • graduate and undergraduate students are free to apply
  • Prospective applicants should be registered for full-time study at a university in the Central African Republic.


The winning essays will get cash prizes of $1 500 for the first price, $1000 for the second price, and $500 for the third price respectively.

Leadership Essay Competition 

The leadership essay competition is a creative contest competition that offers partial funding to students who wish to study any African trade at any university in Africa, including the Central African Republic.

  • Eligibility- it is open to all African citizens studying in any African trade
  • Requirements-potential students must be very creative. Students also have to be enrolled at any University in the Central African Republic.

Banting International Postdoctoral Fellowship

This is a scholarship targeting post-doctorate students. It offers partial is open to all African nationals studying at research institutes around the world. Students must be studying engineering, humanities, health, and science.

Mobility seeker outdoor sports scholarships

This is a sports-based scholarship for bachelors, masters, and Ph.D. students studying any course. It is open to all nationals, including those in the Central African Republic. These should be studying at an accredited university or institution. It offers partial funding.


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