
Student Life in Brunei

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(Bachelor's, Master's & PhD)

Student life must provide a balance between studies, social life, part-time work, and adjusting to fit into the new country better. Univwersities must offer services or assistance including psychological counselling, career development, disability support, student ervices,  sport, and student housing, to mention but a few.


Brunei is full of amazing wonders and sights to see. Students can make a great escape and visit the beautiful sites around the country. This allows them to learn more about the country and its cultural heritage, and to unwind while emjoying the majestic site sin brunei.

Exchange programs

Universities in Brunei offer a chance for students to embark on an exchange program as part of their undergraduate package. This gives them a chance to learn how other students conduct their education and daily life. It is also a great platform for students to interact with  other students, both local and international.

Career Building Clubs

These offer students a chnce to learn and decide which carrer paths to take once they are done with their studies. It gives them a platform to share and learn from other and also from influencers in the industry.


Sport is another great way in which an institution can best accommodate international students. Sport provides a quicker way to get to know and mingle with the locals and otherinternational studemts, it encourages teamwork, and also provides fitness of both the mind and body.

Movies, and going out

There are a number of cafes and gaming communes that students can go to unwind after a busy week of study. They can play against the locals, allowing them to make friends.

Team-building exercises

Team building exercises encourage unity and oneness among students. These include obstacle courses, team challenges, that can help students to work together while they have fun at the same time. It gives them a chance at interaction with other local and international students.

International Students’ experience differ greatly  from that of the locals and those from within the region but some find it easy to integrate into other states.



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