Current openings in Botswana
When studying in Botswana you can earn a few extra cash for your basic necessities by being a part-time employee. There is a need for students to do their research properly in an effort of finding part-time jobs that closely suit them. If you have challenges in finding part-time employment, do not worry.
RocApply working with its partners will ensure that students secure part-time jobs during their study in Botswana. We are dedicated to opening more part-time job opportunities in sales, start-ups, and the tourism and hospitality industry for students. In the modern-day there is a dynamic option to choose from, there is literally something for everyone out there.
Call centers are known for employing agents and that is a viable option during your spare time. Service providers usually seek telemarketers for their products and that can work well depending on your class schedule.
Botswana is very rich in tourism opportunities and if you need to work according to your flexibility, self-employment in this industry is a good option. Taking classes as a tour guide and giving tourists an experience of the Land of the Batswana is a good investment of your time.
Not only will your experience the vast land’s beauty but you can also fill up your pockets with the much-needed cash. Remember, Botswana promotes a free economy, therefore it means you can open your small scale tour guide company and continue with your studies with little hassle.
Retail shops are always seeking for salespeople and shop assistants on weekends. This option might be helpful especially for students who have a busy schedule filled with lectures during the week.
Working weekends as a waiter at restaurants, bars, cafes, and fast food outlets is another students’ favorite part-time job. Working in these environments can offer more than what meets the eye as students have the opportunity to interact and be exposed to greater career opportunities and networking in the practical world.
Your university might also offer internship opportunities. This is one way of earning money to address your financial needs as a student. Internships are one of the best options to go with as they offer you with career-specific experience and sometimes might be part of your school coursework.
It is a good option to consider if your university offers internships. Research on your institution and find out if it gives internships to its students.
RocApply Tip: It is advisable for students to look for part-time work closer to their campus to avoid any extra costs they might incur such as transport to work.
"I am currently working as a Guest Relations Officer for Merit hotel. On a day-to-day basis I get to meet or work with people from everywhere." - Diyora Muattar from Uzbekistan
For companies interested in working with RocApply
For companies interested in working with RocApply to secure employment for students please send us an email at [email protected]