Part-time work is helpful to earn enough to deal with daily expenses but Bonaire government never compromises with the study of students so here as a student you do not have permission to work on a study visa. After the study, students can work on work permit but during study, students have to concentrate on their study without worrying about earning from any job placement.
Studying abroad can be stressful, especially without any source of income. You are an exception because RocApply will help you figure part-time employment in Bonaire during your internship year. If you've been thinking of working whilst studying abroad, you are not alone; many international students seek employment during their studies. The challenge only comes if your not cleared by the institutions to undertake any form of internship!
While studying abroad can be satisfying, getting involved with a local company is rather more satisfying! We are committed to finding you the perfect placement for a weekend part-time job!! We do this by posting vacancies available on our jobs page which we advise you to check constantly!Bonairen institutions do not offer students working opportunities in the attempt to curb attention distraction.
If you stay back on the campus during summer breaks choosing to work full time will enhance your chances to make some extra money, this can add well towards your next semester expenditure. Since no classes are taken on weekends, you can look around for some jobs that can be done to make some extra money; for example, you can mow the lawn or house cleaning. If you know driving and have a local driving license you can take people for sightseeing and would be pretty exciting.
Also you can get part-time job opportunities outside the campus for example to work as a freelancer online without tempering with your schoolwork. Though earning from such jobs would not be enough to pay for tuition fees but it will be of little help to support your studies for example to pay your food bills or maybe other expenses. You can get some pocket money working part-time while pursuing your studies.
For companies interested in working with RocApply
For companies interested in working with RocApply to secure employment for students please send us an email at