
Benin Lifestyle and Culture

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Nothing is so embarrassing as being caught-up between deciding how to behave and not having the chance to do so especially if you’re in a foreign land! We understand that studying abroad can be a life-changing experience and, should you choose Benin, our RocApply tips and guides will enhance what will already be a wonderful trip by helping you also understand the culture and etiquettes in Benin. The country’s  culture is one of the most distinct and unique in the nothern region of Africa.

We recommend that you throroghly do through this guide to enhance your peaceable stay with the Beninese.

When Greeting

  • A hand shake is used as a greeting between men.
  • For women, either a hand shake or kiss on the cheek is acceptable. 
  • A formal verbal greeting or a handshake with the right hand is the most common form of greeting for formal and business situations.

Note: There are over fifty different linguistic groups and almost as many ethnicities in Benin. Greetings may differ greatly between them, especially in tribal and rural areas.

The Concept of Honor

  • Honour is a foundation block of the country.
  • Honour is delicately intertwined with a family's name their reputation.
  • If someone is honourable, the family is honourable too and if an individual is shamed the family is shamed even so.
  • As a result the behaviour of individual family members is viewed as the direct responsibility of the family here.

Etiquette in Benin

Hospitality has a long history of tradition in Benin where the guests are treated with deep courtesy and given best possible treatment from the host. Being proud of this tradition, we recommend you to follow some rules that follow:

Personal Space and Touching         

  • Personal space is generally kept at about arm’s distance, but is often closer between good friends and family.
  • People are generally free in their movements; when laughing, making a point or simply discussing, touching is acceptable.
  • In a professional setting, one generally abstains from touching.

Gender Issues           

  • Women are generally found at home, caring for the house, children, cooking and husband.  Often times this is because there is still a high illiteracy rate amongst women.  
  • If a woman is well educated, it is not uncommon to see her working in diverse fields, such as government and commerce.


  • It is rude to be excessively drunk.

Benin Dining Etiquette

  • A Beninese host may pour guests a drink and take a sip before handing the guest the cup or glass. In turn, the guest takes a sip and spits a little on the floor before drinking. The host is showing the guest that the drink is safe. The guest is showing remembrance of the dead before participating in an essential act of the living.
  • Benin food is spicy. There is the basic West African mixture of vegetables and rice, and the ubiquitous porridge made of different grains. Meat is rarely available, and if it is served remember that no part of the animal is wasted; you eat everything, bones included.

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