Student Life in Belarus
The life of students in Belarus is interesting and creative. Student clubs prepare students for participation in various competitions, festivals, and concert programs. Different celebrations are organized during the year.
Universities place free sports facilities and libraries at the students’ disposal which encourages their creative activities. After university graduation, young specialists have an opportunity to continue postgraduate education.
Here, training of the scientific personnel with the highest qualifications is conducted with granting scientific degrees of Candidate of Science.
International students are not obliged to start their study with the preparatory year. Students from foreign countries are trained at faculties which are available at all universities of Belarus. Instruction in all main specialties is provided.
Practical training for students are organized in research centers, specialized seminars to create an environment of competitive academic wellness amongst student every time and again. There are youth organizations that implement such projects at the leadership level.
Favorable conditions for studying, living, and recreation for international students are at disposal in Belarus. Universities that facilitate adaptation to living in Belarus and studying in the foreign atmosphere.
Most of the institutions provide facilities for recreation and health improvement of the students - there are sports grounds in the open air, various sports sections, for creative young people- student clubs is which includes performing in the choir groups, studio singing, modern dance groups, etc.