
Australia Lifestyle and Culture

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Lifestyle and Culture in Australia

Australia is a very large country by size but also by heart, Australians are very friendly and extremely helpful to others. This is also very evident in their diplomatic relations with neighboring Asian countries like China, Japan, South Korea, etc. Not forgetting their excellent relations with the US, Canada, UK and several countries in Africa like South Africa and Ghana.

Furthermore, because inland Australia is very arid, filled with many deserts and is unhabitable, the majority of the people live along coastal lines and in coastal areas. Many of the major cities are just a few kilometers from the sea.

It is not uncommon to find lots of Australians on the beach during the weekends as this is a very popular activity thanks to the hundreds of beautiful beaches across the country.

One noteworthy fact about Australians is that they are very highly competitive in every facet of their general lives from sports to academics and other everyday activities. Interestingly there is not one single international contest that they do not compete in and significantly place very highly in.

Australians generally have a casual disposition towards fashion, speech and even their life outlook. Casual dressing is very common even in workspaces except when there is a serious need for it. The average ‘Aussie’ as they fondly call themselves, love to abbreviate words in their speeches, seen as a way of taking the edge off of and seemingly being laid back.

The people and government of Australia are very dedicated to preserving the environment and the many wildlife in the country. There are over 10,000 animal species and even some undiscovered animal species exist in the very vast land area of the country. As such, all the rivers, mountains, oceans, forests, nature and the general ecosystem within her shores are all carefully cared for and preserved.

Cities in Australia are also very environmentally maintained and regulated, every single building or structure is deliberately accessed by several councils across the country for any environmental impact.

Australia is a very multicultural and diverse country with people with different cultures and practices. This reflects strongly in their food, lifestyle, and experience. The Australian society comprises of citizens with a richly diverse background ethnically, religiously, linguistically, culturally. What's even more peculiar to the country is how much their tolerance and respect towards diversity is very organic and widespread amongst her people.

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